Fluid Gender and Liquid Capital 

The idea that “gender is fluid” that people repeat these days with the smugness of those who have finally found the Fount of Truth in a desert of ignorance only exists because it serves the needs of capital to get us to buy more crap and embrace fluidity. 

It is not a coincidence that the idea only arose when and where gender stopped meaning anything but the stuff you buy. In the places where gender means more than consumer choices, nobody is embracing its fluidity. 

The more eager we are to believe that everything is fluid, the more useful we are to liquid capital.

Capital Conquers Bodies

I always feel dumbfounded whenever I encounter the typically American conviction that you can mess with your body in any way you want, fill it with all kinds of garbage, interfere with natural processes to your heart’s content, and then just go back to whatever was there before if you change your mind. I can’t even imagine the degree to which you need to be alienated from your body to think this way. 

The ease with which people stuff themselves – and what’s really tragic their miserable children – with drugs, medications, substances, all sorts of crap – in a conviction that bodies are as infinitely malleable and renewable as a plastic toy you buy at Walmart shows that the Capital has taken full possession even of their relationship with their physicality.