
I’m very glad that Al Gore is campaigning with Hillary. I’m a huge fan of his and never understood why people were talking trash about his personality. I think he’s got a great personality. It totally reminds me of me.

It’s especially good that Al Gore has high praise for Hillary’s climate plan. I’m not equipped to understand or judge her plan but I trust Gore on this subject. If he approves of the plan, it must be good. 

Overall, I find it beyond incredible how absent climate has been from this election. At least, it’s making somewhat of an appearance at this late date. 

Degradation of Female Chess Players

If you are a woman who has ever played chess competitively, you know how much sexist assholery you have to face just to be able to play the game. The World Chess Federation is doing all it can to humiliate and degrade female players. 

For instance, the next world championship will be held in Iran where female players aren’t allowed to play unless they dehumanize and debase themselves by wearing hijabs. Not only is this offensive to female players, but it also means that they have to betray the solidarity they feel for the women of Iran who are fighting against this and all forms of gender degradation. 

Of course, the chess superstars are refusing to go altogether. Women can’t play basketball until they put on “sexy” outfits and can’t play chess unless they put on anti-sexy outfits. They have to constantly dress and undress to flatter the vanities of some self-involved penis owners. 

This is ridiculous and insulting. 

Clarissa’s Pumpkin Soup

I made the pumpkin soup! The hardest part was peeling and cubing the pumpkin. I used Vic Crain’s great advice and microwaved the pumpkin for 4 mins before peeling it, and that helped. Thanks, Vic!

I roasted and pureed the pumpkin, ending up with about 4 cups of puree. In a small skillet, I gently fried 2 cloves of crushed garlic and 1,5 teaspoons of fresh chopped ginger. I added a heaping teaspoon of Madras curry, a teaspoon of cinnamon, two tablespoons of brown sugar, a teaspoon of nutmeg, and 1/2 a teaspoon of ground cumin. 

After adding the spice mix to the puree, I put it on a very slow fire and mixed in about 3 cups of vegetable stock. 

Fifteen minutes later, I added a can of unsweetened coconut milk, some baby spinach, and quartered walnuts for texture. Had I been cooking for myself, I would have added some heat but N doesn’t like anything but the gentlest spice. Instead, I will eat the soup with a fresh red chili pepper. I eat these peppers raw, almost like dessert. 

The soup is very tasty but I invented it based on what I like. Other people might not be into this spice mix.