Baked Chicken with Caramelized Lemon Slices

I put some broccoli slaw in a heavy ceramic dish and added some shredded carrots. Then I arranged some heirloom tomato slices over the slaw. On top of tomato slices, I placed boneless skinless chicken thighs. I seasoned the whole thing and added some rosemary. Over the chicken I placed some peeled lemon slices. 

I baked the dish in the oven first with a lid closed and then after 30 minutes I removed the lid. 

There is no photo because the dish was devoured very fast. The lemon slices caramelized very nicely and the meat was extremely juicy. If you aren’t into baked lemons, you can remove them before serving. 

I’m Angry

I’m starting get to get seriously angry. Now I’m not getting funded for my Texas conference because the administration doesn’t believe that it’s a serious conference that will count for my tenure. Of course, I’m already tenured but who cares about a small detail like that. Also, I would never try to use conferences to seek tenure or promotion. My CV leaves no doubt as to my very active research agenda. 

The conference is very respectable. And I mean VERY. But it’s a feminist conference, so I’m guessing that is what makes it sound not good enough to attend. 

I’m not angry about the money. I’m fortunate to have a good financial situation. What angers me is the complete lack of support for what everybody I know considers to be a spectacular scholarly achievement on my part. 

I know I’ll get the funding eventually but it’s the attitude that is so annoying. 

Transgender Therapy

“State May Add Coverage for Transgender Therapy” reads a headline in NY TIMES, and I got warm and fuzzy feelings when I saw it. It is only right that transgender people, who often live in dire poverty, should get coverage for the treatment they seek.

When I started to read the article, however, I discovered that it has nothing to do with therapy or transgender people. Medicaid coverage will be introduced to give puberty- arresting hormones and hysterectomies to prepubescent children. Because, apparently, it’s easier to sex-modify them now than after they become adults and can make these decisions for themselves. I’m guessing the next step will be to cut up and remodel babies whose biological sex their parents don’t happen to like. 

It’s really cute that an 11-year-old kid who is not allowed to imbibe alcohol, no matter how much she might want to, should be permitted to take substances that will impact her body at least as badly. And all for what? Simply to allow their parents to avoid the onerous task of having actually to parent? How is this different from a parent who gives a baby a piece of clothing soaked in scotch to shut him up and make him sleep?