
You know what I never are in any form?


I remember back in Ukraine my mother made a dish with pumpkin once (a pie? Or was it a cereal?) but it felt too exotic so we ended up not eating it. 

So I decided to find out what it tastes like and make pumpkin dishes. But first I have some questions. Is acorn pumpkin? Is winter squash? Because they look exactly like it and I bought a couple. I also bought something called “pie pumpkin.” Now I guess I need to saw them open and roast them, right? 

It’s an adventure. 

Soap Soup

I read a post on how to make the best pumpkin spice soap while thinking it was a recipe for pumpkin spice soup. 

“Eew, this soup sounds horrible,” I thought. “And it isn’t even liquid. It looks like a soap bar.” 

This is nothing, though, compared how I keep reading a fellow player’s name in my farm game as “Farmed Without Love” when I know very well that the name is “Farmed With Love.” There is definitely something Freudian happening here. 


“Trade” has become a code word for “nobody wants to pay me the salary I decided I deserve for my complete lack of skills, lack of adaptability and an incapacity to work with anybody who isn’t exactly like me.” The moment the evil “trade” goes away, there will be a stampede of employers rushing to hand over big bucks for the dumb, mechanical work that a machine can do 100 times more cheaply. 

Out of Aleppo

Mike Pence is saying on TV right now that the goal of his ticket in Syria is to create a safe way for people out of Aleppo. Of course, by January there will be no Aleppo because Trumpā€™s boyfriend Putin will raze it to the ground. But it’s curious how faithfully Pence has learned to spout the talking points that Putin will love. All Putin wants is for more Syrians to leave their cities and towns and go to Germany. “Out of Aleppo” means “into Europe.” 

I’m sure Pence is too dumb to understand whose interests he’s unwittingly been recruited to serve. But gosh, these people are so easy to manipulate. Poor confused Trump was still insisting from stage yesterday that Russia is fighting ISIS in Syria. 

And this is what the US has become. How sad. Who really won the Cold War if Russian politicians say whatever they want while American politicians say what the Russians want?