23 thoughts on “NYTimes: ‘Multiple Casualties’ Reported at Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting

  1. 8 Dead, Several Others Shot At Pittsburgh Synagogue

    PITTSBURGH (KDKA) – Eight people have been killed and a number of others injured after a shooting situation at The Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill on Saturday.

    KDKA’s Meghan Schiller reports that a suspect, a white male, has surrendered. The SWAT team had been talking with the suspect, and he was crawling and injured. It is unclear the extent of his injuries.
    Pittsburgh Police spokesman Chris Togneri confirmed that the suspect was in custody and three police officers had been shot. He also confirmed multiple causalities, but did not divulge exactly how many.

    Police sources tell KDKA’s Andy Sheehan the gunman walked into the building and yelled, “All Jews Must die.” Sheehan confirmed that eight people were confirmed dead. Others had been shot but the extent of their injuries in unknown at this time….


    1. Now Trump is to blame for this, too?? Wasn’t he the bestest friend to Israel and the darling of the US Jews until 5 mins ago?

      It’s like nobody bears responsibility for anything any more because Daddy is responsible for everything.


      1. “Will nobody rid me of this troublesome priest?”
        five minutes later
        “Well that was convenient.”
        “I’m the victim here! Thomas Becket should’ve been armed! Fake news! #MAGA!”- Henry II, probably.

        Now Trump is to blame for this, too?? Wasn’t he the bestest friend to Israel and the darling of the US Jews until 5 mins ago?
        I can’t comment on Israel, but…
        Check out the chart of who voted for Trump based on religion

        Did you forget about all the bomb threats called into JCCs and synagogues? He didn’t take that seriously. Also did you forget about the fact that one of Trump’s first moves was to cut funding to programs that prevent domestic terrorism?
        Domestic terrorism programs would be cut under Trump
        <a href=”https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/346552-trump-cut-funds-to-fight-anti-right-wing-violence>Trump cuts funds to fight anti-right wing violence
        The Trump administration’s decision to cut federal funding for groups fighting right-wing violence has come under new scrutiny following the president’s controversial response to violence at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend.

        Trump, who faced a firestorm of criticism for not initially calling out white supremacists, the KKK and neo-Nazis on Saturday, explicitly denounced the hate groups by name on Monday and vowed to fight against violent extremism.

        But the botched immediate response has some critics questioning the White House’s commitment to the issue, and they point to the funding cuts as evidence.

        “It’s a disgrace that Trump is cutting out Countering Violent Extremism funds for white supremacists and neo-Nazis. We know that the domestic terror threat from them is as great as it from Islamic radicals. It’s a very serious situation,” said Heidi Beirich, director of the intelligence project for the Southern Poverty Law Center.

        “I find the pattern of cutting this money to be typical for the Trump administration’s unwillingness to take seriously the threat posed by these people, whether they’re doing it intentionally or not.”


        1. Folks, I’m not going to discuss how Trump is responsible for this terrorist just like I didn’t agree to discuss how “damn libruls” were responsible for 9/11. And also just like I refused last week to discuss how Putin was to blame for the terrorist in Kerch. I believe that the only person responsible for the mass shooting in Kerch is the shooter. And mentioning Putin in that context at all – even though I hate him – would be disrespectful to the victims.


      2. Most US Jews consider themselves politically liberal, and the vast majority vote for Democratic presidential candidates regardless of that candidate’s views on Israel. Romney was much more pro-Israel than Obama, who didn’t like Netanyahu at all and didn’t hide his disdain after being elected. Hillary got 71% of the Jewish vote in 2016.

        Jews who did vote for Trump are in the same boat as academics who support him: They don’t admit that to their colleges and peers.


        1. The ones I know have no problem with admitting it on every corner. But these are Russian-speaking Jews. Meaning that these are people who personally experienced anti-Semitism.


          1. Besides, when Trump moves the embassy to Jerusalem, it obviously was a gesture aimed at pleasing US Jews. Nobody here could give a crap what Israelis think except for them.


    2. “Of course the shooter is a registered Republican and a Trump supporter.”

      Try doing a little research. The shooter posted multiple comments on an extremist website where he blasted Trump for being a “globalist” who brought “filthy EVIL Jews” such as Jared Kushner and Ivanka into his inner circle, and who was allowing the Jews to control the U.S. government and destroy America.


  2. Some people are prone to violence against groups that they hate. When someone in authority, especially the President, incites and encourages them to commit violent acts, then yes, that someone bears some of the blame. Just as someone shouting “FIRE” in a crowded theater is culpable is someone is trampled to death.


    1. I know people who voted for him. Not one of them has anything whatsoever to do with the violent far-right. Just like the absolute majority of Bernie’s supporters are not the violent far-left.


      1. Trump or Putin separately or together seem to be the fallback causal explanation for anything that happens for all too many people. Well, it’s easier than analysis, fact-gathering, interpretation and understanding any day of the week.


        1. “Trump or Putin separately or together seem to be the fallback causal explanation for anything that happens for all too many people”

          Magic thinking, we’re quickly slipping back into dark ages (with worse to come…. much worse)


        1. “Gee, you get four thumbs down just for stating a politically neutral fact??”

          My comment was addressed to Clarissa’s “I know people who voted…” posting. (WordPress bumped it several comments down .)


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