Death of Friendship

Whenever a new Disney movie for the 3-9-year-old crowd is released, leftist commentators go nuts, insisting that any friendship between same-sex characters means they are gay. It happened with Frozen 2, Raya, and now Luca. Even when characters are clearly little children, this madness still happens.

The neoliberal left (which is a tautology because there’s no other kind) doesn’t believe in friendship. If people are nice to each other, the left feels puzzled and uncomfortable. Why are they nice? What do they want? What’s the value they are trying to squeeze out of the interaction?

14 thoughts on “Death of Friendship

  1. It’s incredibly weird. When I first visited Viet Nam, it was totally normal to see children (always same-sex) strolling down the road holding hands or with their arms about each other’s shoulders. Even some adults did this. Why? Because they were friends. Why wouldn’t you? And I remembered that when I was a kid, my friends and I would kiss each other goodbye at the end of a visit. I don’t think kids here do that anymore.

    Even before the neoliberal left got in on the action, that was changing in the US… but I have no idea why.

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    1. Physical touch among same-sex friends is also quite common in India. My understanding is that it was common until the WWII for men in the US to behave similarly. 60s onwards same-sex physical touch became associated with homosexuality and heterosexual men stopped doing it as a reaction to that. The asymmetry puzzles me, though. In the US, physical touch between women friends is normalized while male friend seems taboo. Clearly Hollywood is working on it. 🙂

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      1. One thing that article mentions that rings true is discontinuity of relationships– definitely in VN, the people I met had lived their whole lives with the same neighbors and the same friends, in the same houses, in the same little farm town. That’s very different from moving every five years with your parents’ career advancement, then going off to college in yet another town, and starting your own move-every-few-years pattern. Maybe that kind of friendship is unavailable to us?

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    2. Not only is this neoliberal, it’s also very creepy given that this is an adult sexualizing small, prepubescent child characters. This opens the door to any pedo to assault a child he sees being friendly with another child because this must mean the kid is sexual.

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      1. “an adult sexualizing small, prepubescent child characters”

        I’m thinking that’s a big part of this, a…. media narrative (for lack of a better term) bubbling beneath the surface before the pandemic was the sexualization of small children (a very big part of the “trans kids” stuff).

        My question is how long before child prostitution is legalized and celebrated by “leftists”…

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        1. I don’t understand how one can argue that a child can consent to have his testicles or her breasts removed but can’t consent to have them fondled. You just can’t make that argument.


          1. “I don’t understand ”

            My working assumption is that that’s a big driver behind the “trans kids” narrative being pushed. The pedos want that accepted so they can argue that their diddling kids isn’t any worse….


  2. Reminds of the many articles about the decline of adult male friendship in recent years. The strategy is to deprive people of authentic connection and then replace it with a technological simulation.

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    1. Also, people without friendships are easy to control in and out of the workplace. They are easy to dupe. Easy to sic on others. They are very easy to medicalize because they get depressed.

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    2. I really think this is a big part of it. People need touch, need close nonsexual friendships… if you make all that taboo, boy, do you have a ripe market of people with nameless yearnings… that you can sell stuff to.

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  3. People who see children holding hands, getting physically comfortable gamboling around each other and think of sexual orientations and gender identities are deeply disturbed individuals.

    For at least a few early childhood years in India I distinctly remember using male verbs when talking about myself, and fashioning my language after a Robinhood-esque goon in an immensely popular Hindi movie at the time. I am now a happily married woman and my parents still affectionately use the patently male nickname I insisted to be used while addressing me as a child. I shudder to think if I was born in a neoliberal family — I am quite sure I would have been subjected to gender reassignment surgery or something equally damaging, so that I can be “allowed” to assert my true gender identity.


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    1. To clarify: Hindi, unlike most languages, has gendered verbs too (not just pronouns).

      It is an unending source of amusement for Indians to see Westerners muddle these up when they are learning to speak the language 🙂

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