In Common

There are many differences between presidential administrations, some of them gigantic. But on one issue every president starting with Reagan was (and is) doggedly the same. That issue is, of course, an open-border policy for limitless low-skilled mass migration. Rhetoric changes but reality remains.

Before mentioning Trump, please be ready to explain how all those hundreds of thousands of migrants that crossed the border this year managed to get through that big beautiful wall he built.

Oh, he didn’t build one?

That’s my point exactly. Rhetoric changes but policy doesn’t.

Cosmetic Differences

Not only were Bush Jr and Obama identical on foreign policy (hawkish but inept, devastating the Middle East with poorly thought-out invasions, slobbering and subservient towards Russia, and pro-open borders, which destroys Central America and strengthens cartels), they were the same on the economy. Neoliberal, pro-austerity, pro-China, anti-domestic labor.

The guys could have practically been twins. The differences between them were completely cosmetic but only the people who are immune to partisanship could notice it.

Time to Learn

Makes me think of the US and Canadian colleagues who wailed “I don’t want to die!!!” in 2020-22 as an excuse to not return to the classroom in person. In Ukraine, it’s not fashionable to do that. It’s fashionable to do the opposite. And it doesn’t change if a Ukrainian moves elsewhere. This is why I was in the classroom from the day the university was unlocked on July 1, 2020.

I just honestly can’t imagine a Ukrainian seriously saying “I feel unsafe” over something somebody said or an opinion somebody expressed. Ukraine is in vogue, so let’s put that to good use, retire the word “unsafe,” get rid of performative fragility, grow a backbone, and join the world of resilient, strong people instead of weak, scared snowflakes.

Hidden Continuities

The foreign policy during Bush Jr and Obama was identical, and identically stupid.

The foreign policy during Trump and Biden is identical and quite good. Not perfect but enormously better than what we saw with W and Obama.

It’s as if there were transfers of power but they didn’t happen alongside party lines. Unfortunately, most people are so hypnotized by partisanship that they can’t notice many such continuities.

DeSantis At Work

DeSantis is working hard on his speaking skills. Look at this video:

There’s still some nasality, especially closer to the end, and he mumbled through his punch line “the state where woke goes to die,” but it’s getting better. I’m very hopeful for this guy.