15 thoughts on “Breastfeeding Class

    1. This is a brilliant article! I also never thought about it until N. told me he was feeling sad that he couldn’t participate in feeding the baby. As it is, he gets no paternal leave and has to be separated from the baby very early on. So we decided that we will pump and he will bottle-feed whenever he is around the baby.

      I have also written a post about this and it will appear tomorrow. Thank you for the great link!


      1. I’m glad you liked the article. I loved it. Did you read the comments? People are soooo insanely angry at this woman. I didn’t read every comment (there were so many) but of the ones I DID read, every single one was negative. She really touched a nerve….which must mean she’s doing something right. 🙂


        1. I considered reading the comments but then I realized they might traumatize me. People get extremely angry about this issue, although what the author is suggesting – pumping and bottle-feeding – is the most benign alternative that anybody can imagine. It is the same milk, and every lactation specialist in the world insists that there is zero difference how it is delivered into the mouth. (At the breastfeeding class I visited recently, this was reiterated a hundred times.)


      2. Commenters seem particularly angry that the author seems to imply that she would also prefer formula feeding any future children to breastfeeding them. I understand that most studies suggest that breast milk is generally the healthiest option. But the backlash some groups have to formula is really profound. Formula fed babies grow up in to healthy, happy, and intelligent adults on a regular basis. People act like it’s poison! In my mind, this is all part of a feminist backlash which forces women back into the roles of mother and homemaker. But still, the backlash against formula–which has actually saved far more children than it has hurt–continually surprises me.


        1. There has not been a single study that has been able to demonstrate any advantage of breast milk over formula (if we are talking about countries with safe drinking water). There are some observational studies that don’t control for any contributing factors and that offer results within the statistical variation. Nothing else.

          To the contrary, studies of the generational groups that favored formula and that favored breastfeeding show absolutely no difference in terms of either IQ or likelihood of contracting disease.

          There has been a massive drive to find proof that “breast is best”, lots if funding, lots if effort – and as of now, there has been absolutely no actual proof of anything. This reminds me of efforts to find scientific proof for creationism.


      3. Im thinking just do both. My daughter fed from the breast and from me giving her a bottle. Im thinking the author was thinking primarily about herself, which is her prerogative but………..


      4. “I’m thinking the author was thinking primarily about herself, which is her prerogative but………..”
        Did you read the article? She spoke rapturously about how she much she loved breastfeeding. She is concerned about the effects breastfeeding has on her husband’s bonding with the child. You can disagree with her but this had nothing to with selfishness and everything to do with wanting to be a good partner to her husband and a good mother to her son.


  1. @Evelina
    Youre right, not selfish on her part, just whacked! If its his idea then its selfish on his part.
    How is not breastfeeding your son just because your husband feels left out not just a tad weird??? Really, how fucked up does that Dad need to be to actually feel left out because the mother of his child is feeding him/her and all he gets to do is use a bottle to do it(boo hoo). Im thinking both those parents are whacked, completely certifiably whacked. Geez, where do these people come from, they have way too much time on their hands. And there is the way too much time I have on my hands to discuss this. 😉


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