Veep Debate Conclusions

Pence looked desperate in his attempts to deny every single thing Trump ever said or did. As a result, he looked like he never met his own candidate. 

Kaine was very on message, prepared, and strong. 

But I predict that we’ll head that Pence won because whenever anybody on Trump’s campaign manages not to yell “Zig heil!” after every sentence and howl at the moon while peeing all over himself, it feels like a major achievement. 

That moderator, though. I felt like we’ve been conquered by Russia already. 

21 thoughts on “Veep Debate Conclusions

  1. Man, fuck the questions. Nothing about climate change, inequality, poverty, healthcare on both debates so far.


    1. The questions were relevant unlike birtherism and Trump’s tax deductions.

      I hope we hear about those topics in the next two debates.

      I think Pence won this debate. He gave better solutions to the issues, especially immigration and Russian relations.

      Kaine would have done better if he listened more and made counter arguments, instead of trying to interrupt constantly about the same two things.

      The moderator was horrible.


      1. The specialist on Russian relations here is me and the Trump campaign has been extremely servile towards Putin. If pleasuring Putin is your idea of a better solution, I’ve got to ask what you think a worse solution would be.


        1. True, but you weren’t on the stage tonight.

          I thought having missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic seemed like a good idea. Having a stronger military in general was good too.

          Kaine said to keep the sanctions in place. From my perspective that hasn’t seemed to stop Russia.


            1. I read about it since you mentioned it. I hope that is a deal making strategy of going over the top in the initial proposal, not what he expects to actually get.

              Maybe the sanctions had more of an impact than I thought. I’ll give Kaine credit for that one.

              I still think Pence won the debate overall.


  2. Pence won the debate — stayed calm while Kaine was frenetic. Neither them said anything remotely related to the realities of this nightmare election.

    At least it’ll all be over in exactly five weeks.


          1. Yeah, all that shaking of the head and ‘nonsense’ when confronted with actual Trump quotes. He might be thinking of 2020 and doesn’t want to get caught agreeing with Trump too much.


  3. For me, no Kaine debate will ever live up to the Kilgore vs Kaine debate of 2005. Watch it if you ever want to see Kaine absolutely slaughter a very weak debate opponent. It’s one of the most satisfying debates I’ve ever seen.


  4. About 3/4 of the way through they got to the abortion topic and for a few seconds looked like there was a chance that a real substantive discussion could break out. But after Pence realized that he (figuratively) put his fingers in his ears, retreated to his fortress of solitude and lobbed the formula fundamentalist/comservative talking points. Opportunity lost.


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