Behavior Chart

From FB:

I used a behavior chart for my daughter when she was younger. I would write whatever behaviors we were working on on our big chalkboard in their playroom. Example: saying please & thank you, washing her hands after pottying, using words instead of whining, etc. She would get a check mark for the day or a check mark each time she did something correctly. To start with, she’d get a check mark each time I noticed the behavior. As the weeks went on, I would give them more sparingly. If she earned “10” check marks in a week then she could pick a small prize, trip to the park, ice cream, or whatever item you like.

It makes me physically ill to read this kind of thing. And this is from a local FB group, so then this kid is released into the general population right around here.

The analyst says that in ten years or so, when people understand what the ubiquitousness and the obsessive use of smartphones are doing to children, they will dramatically reduce their use. I’d love to believe that but when I see these FB discussions, I simply can’t.

I seriously can’t even reread this quote without getting very nauseous. And nobody did anything like this to me. It’s just that simply knowing that this is being done to a toddler is painful.

German Food

German food, for instance, is absolutely delicious. I still remember every dish I ate in Germany. But the problem is, I can’t recreate these recipes here. The ingredients are not the same. I only discovered what asparagus is supposed to taste like in Berlin. Or strawberries. German strawberries don’t taste like plastic. So of course anything you cook comes out tasting better.