The Feminist Dream

The feminist dream these days is to be in a situation where the brave feminist can’t communicate above the level of a 5-year-old. And it’s declared openly and smugly.

I always wondered, why don’t people feel ashamed to share such pathetic stories with the world? I understand it’s the oversharing culture where breadth covers up a complete absence of depth. But by God, will these chatty, twittery, smug professional victims ever just shut up?

4 thoughts on “The Feminist Dream

  1. This is funny.

    The article you posted:
    “I’m stuck at home and am isolated in my new country because I don’t work nor do I speak the language” = “I have solved feminism!”

    “I cannot work because my husband’s visa doesn’t allow me to work” = “I am going bonkers because volunteering and having kids isn’t enough with these advanced degrees I have.” (women on H-4 visas who really want this Obama era rule allowing some spouses to work to stay in place).

    Green cards are capped each year, and no single country can receive more than 7 percent of the total. That makes it faster to get the permits for people from some countries — say, Norway, because there are fewer applicants.

    Meanwhile, applicants from India, China or the Philippines, which generate many more green-card requests, can wait decades.

    That meant that many H-4 spouses, usually women, who were used to holding corporate jobs couldn’t work in the U.S. if they joined their partners here.

    If you’re concerned about the feminist impact of immigrants, how could having a whole bunch of women who are not allowed to work immigrate not affect norms? By the time these women get permanent residence the norm of “mommy doesn’t work” has already been established for their children (especially since green cards now take a long time).

    I don’t know what the setup is in France or other European countries.


    1. Hey, this is an issue I can relate to intimately because N was here for 2 years without the right to seek employment. He was on my TN visa, which is for Canadians under NAFTA but it’s the same thing.


  2. I don’t understand. What’s the balance? He takes care of providing for the family, overseeing the finances and booking appointments, whereas she stays at home cooking and cleaning? I am genuinely confused and don’t seem to have understood correctly.


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