Fake Minority

I just read that Elizabeth Warren was Harvard Law’s “first woman of color.” This is beyond pathetic. God, I hope she doesn’t run.

Of all people likely to run, Joe Biden seems the most normal and promising. At least nobody can accuse him of trying to sell himself as a minority. I’m still hoping that somebody fresher will run but for now it’s what it is. I’d definitely go for Sherrod Brown but he’s not running because the PC crowd will be after him.

29 thoughts on “Fake Minority

        1. I don’t agree that Senator Duckworth is not very smart. And, I also think that her being a disabled war veteran would get lots of conservative support. Furthermore, she has always seemed quite charismatic to me, which was what sunk HRC. The only negative is that she was not born in the USA. But her “Natural Born Citizen status seems to be the same as John McCain’s.

          I have also always thought that Army helicopter pilots have to be people who can instinctively exercise good judgement under extreme stress. Many people, perhaps most people, cannot.


          1. In the midst of the budget crisis in Illinois where we had no budget for almost two years, she thought it was a bright idea to insist we should bring 100,000 Syrian refugees in. This was beyond tone-death given the realities of the state she is supposed to be representing.


      1. “she had to go do this. Why, why? ”

        The democrats are doubling down on hard identity politics betting the house on it getting voters out in November. If they fail to win either house (increasingly likely) then… I expect either a thorough housecleaning or several more years in the wilderness until they get a clue.


  1. I’ve heard conflicting things about the extent to which Warren herself encouraged people to talk about her as a minority. If the question is whether she, specifically, deserves blame for whatever article or announcement, hell, I don’t know.

    But it does say something about educated liberal professionals as a class, that they would be so eager to find and publicize people with some amount of minority ancestry so that they can derive prestige or legitimacy or moral absolution from having such people in their midst. This was 1997, but it was a precursor to the current era where people’s Twitter bios list all of their victimized identities/affiliations.


    1. If she hadn’t mentioned this “ancestry”, nobody would have known about it. Of course, she exploited it and is still doing it now.

      The only decent thing for her to do right now is issue a statement saying, “I’m not Native American. I have nothing whatsoever to do with Native Americans. I have no knowledge or understanding of the Native American experience. I apologise if I led anybody think I consider myself Native American.” That I would respect. Otherwise, how is she different from the “very stable genius” she’s trying to oppose?


      1. But ironically she’s exploiting it to her own detriment! The Native Americans who have commented on this don’t respect her claim. Why, oh why, did she have to do the DNA test?! The best thing for her to have done, as you pointed out, is issue a statement–a milder statement than the one you propose, perhaps–that she “misspoke” or something along those lines. And apologize. But know Trump and his supporters can continue to call her Pocahontas, and that’s the first thing that many, if not most, people are going to remember about her.


  2. It’s a sad state of affairs when Biden might be one of the best options. I really don’t want a throwback to the Obama years though. I’m hoping someone better makes it through.

    The PC police will come after Biden too I’m pretty sure. He’s an old white guy who’s been in politics for many years.


    1. I agree it’s ridiculous not to have anybody younger, fresher and more exciting. But everybody is saying we’ll be stuck with Warren and Kamala Harris. Not amazing choices, in my opinion.


      1. Right now it feels like it’ll be a competition between Harris, Biden, and some progressive (either Warren or Sanders are most likely.) Of course, this may not end up being what actually happens.


          1. I’m not sure. Biden seems like he could have the best chance of those options, but people are so tired of old blasts from the past and might reject that at the ballot box. Harris would lose unless it’s gotten to a point where almost anyone could beat Trump. The right progressive might be able to win, but idk who we’re gonna get. I don’t see Warren winning with her lack of charisma, and Bernie has his own weaknesses. Really I just don’t know.


            1. The problem is that we can’t come up with the name of an obvious, good candidate. Isn’t Corey Booker expected to run? But I don’t know enough about him to say whether or not he has a good chance.


              1. What gives me hope is that nobody knew Obama back in 2006. OK, some political junkies did but nobody else. And he went on to win twice. There’s time for somebody good to appear.

                Liked by 1 person

              2. Sherrod Brown is an obvious good candidate. In a primary with both Joe Biden and probably some other progressive like Sanders/Warren I feel like it’ll be hard for him to get the attention and votes he needs. Booker I don’t see winning the primary, nor do I want him to. I don’t hate him because I realize he’s the best New Jersey can do and I genuinely respect some of the work he’s done in the Senate, but like any New Jersey senator he’s overly beholden to pharmaceutical companies. As far as electability goes…an unmarried vegan who’s the very definition of a bougie coastal elite? Congratulations to Donald Trump if that happens. Any perceived connection to Big Pharma will go over like a ton of bricks in the Rust Belt as well.


              3. Sherrod Brown is also a wife-beater, according to the divorce papers his ex-wife filed back in the 1980’s.

                That ex-wife has since recanted, saying that she made “exaggerated claims” in the heat of a divorce, and she has supported him in his subsequent runs for office.

                Of course, this “news” is being reported only on right-wing websites. Left-wing “news” sources won’t even bring it up to refute it.


              4. “Of course, this “news” is being reported only on right-wing websites. Left-wing “news” sources won’t even bring it up to refute it.”

                Dreidel, I live in Ohio and read the news regularly and this is patently untrue. This is not only covered by right wing media.


              5. Dreidel, I live in Ohio and read the news regularly and this is patently untrue. This is not only covered by right wing media.

                Come on, how many people today do you think actually read the news? Most people only watch it — and this story hasn’t been mentioned on any prime time program that I’ve screened on MSNBC or CNN, or either of those channels’ websites.


  3. What gives me hope is that nobody knew Obama back in 2006. OK, some political junkies did but nobody else. And he went on to win twice. There’s time for somebody good to appear.
    I guess I must have been a political junkie because I was watching the 2004 Democratic National Convention and he was <a href=”https://youtu.be/eWynt87PaJ0amazing This was motivated by my burning hatred of Shrub, mostly.

    Ah, youth.


    1. “must have been a political junkie because I was watching the 2004 Democratic National Convention”

      I was going to mention that, traditionally one of the functions of election year conventions was just that to introduce promising regional politicians to the country by giving them a speech in a prime time slot. Even in Poland I heard about his DNC debut – the biggest since Barbara Jordan’s DNC speech in 1976 (though she had already made an impression during the Watergate hearings).

      I haven’t heard of any breakout characters in the last couple of conventions for either party though….


      1. A speech is just a speech. He had zero experience actually governing anything. So it made no sense to assume he’d run and win.

        I did watch the convention and I remember a lot about it but him I don’t remember. I was very new to the US (just a year in the country) and didn’t know what was supposed to be impressive. 🙂


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