Literature Comes Back

In his most recent novel Anéantir, Michel Houellebecq says that the news media and the state apparatus began to meld into one in the decade of the 2010s because that’s precisely when both started to lose power. The newspapers and the television were destroyed by the Internet and the ubiquitous smartphones. The institutions of the state were undermined by the globalization. So the two joined into one in order to preserve some power.

All I can add is that yes, they joined into one and then offered themselves up to a few supranational monopolizes in the capacity of their enforcer / battering ram. And at least, since COVID people don’t treat me like an escaped mental patient when I say this. Finally, it’s become too obvious for anybody but the complicit and the utterly brainwashed to notice.

I’m reading Anéantir, and I’m in love with it. I’m at the halfway point, and for now this is the most tender, sweet, unhurried, and serious novel by Houellebecq I have read. I don’t know if it’s been translated into English yet. I prefer to read my French authors in Spanish because I find translations to be better among the two Romance languages. Since I haven’t finished, I’m not ready to say anything definitive about the novel other than that this is serious literature, my friends. Vive la France because it’s got its literature back.

2 thoughts on “Literature Comes Back

    1. It’s very good. I googled and apparently every article about the novel in English mentions that the author said something positive about Trump. Which somehow means that the novel must be bad. Primitive, stupid stuff.


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