Tuesday Link Encyclopedia

Yes, this is how HR departments work. Which is why everyone detests them.

Whenever something like this happens, my husband says in a didactic tone, “And this is why I never considered looking for an  academic position.” 

Are Muslim refugees massively converting to Christianity?

In case anybody is wondering where rapists come from: they are very carefully manufactured by their vile parents.

What if the result of this campaign is less influence for Sanders?

Grading bloopers. Very funny!

Tenure makes people more, not less, timid. Of course, no circumstances can reveal in a person what isn’t there already. So the inner mouse was there long before tenure.

A powerful plea to Republican friends and family members.

Why you should vote for Hillary in pictures.

The greatest problem for immigrants: “Hard-working immigrants tend to have not-so-hard-working children and grandchildren. For example, just 8 percent of working-age male immigrants from Latin America are out of the labor force, but the number among U.S.-born Hispanics is 17 percent, which is higher than the national average. It seems that immigrant families eventually assimilate to the native work ethic, growing the underclass.” It’s an issue all immigrants dread, and I have no idea how to deal with it. You want the kids to assimilate but what if they assimilate themselves right out of a capacity to work, succeed and enjoy life?

Tenured profs finally realize they need to unionize!

Crazy Nannies

What I find maddening is getting messages from prospective nannies who tell me that they have 3 or 4 kids, one of whom is an infant, and they’ll be happy to take care of my baby. This is so ridiculous that I get angry. What, I’m supposed to believe that if two 4-month-olds begin to scream, she’ll disregard her own and rush to take care of mine? If that’s true, she should be in psychiatric care. And if I agree to this insane arrangement, I should be in psychiatric care.

I don’t even respond to these messages because I’m not sure I will be able to contain my anger.