Evil Eye

The bad nanny turned out to be one of those people who, in popular imagination, are usually credited with “en evil eye.” Obviously, I don’t believe in actual evil eye, witchcraft, or any silly stuff like that. What people for centuries have referred to as “evil eye” is a certain psychological constitution that dooms its holders to be shunned and disliked through no apparent fault of their own.

The nanny didn’t say or do anything bad but after spending an hour with her Klara and I were wiped out. We crawled into bed and covered ourselves with fluffy towels, after which one of us nursed for an hour ten minutes and another inhaled an ice-cream bar. (Given that, psychoanalytically, ice-cream stands for mother’s milk, we engaged in identical activities.)

I knew that I was off and decided to protect my phone by hiding it in my chest. Like the peasant Ukrainian women I come from, I hide things in my chest. (And I don’t mean my chest-of-drawers, I mean a body part). Of course, I always manage to forget where I hid the enormous Samsung Galaxy and spend hours looking for it. This time, Klara prevented this from happening by throwing up massively right into the spot where the phone was stored.

All this was caused by spending a limited amount of time with a woman who probably has no idea what effect she has on people. I always feel sad for such folks because nobody tells them how heavily they weigh on others even during the most superficial contact. These are people who depress everybody around them simply by existing.

Nanny #2. . .

. . . dislikes the federal government. You’ll ask how I know but it was hard not to since she was more into talking about the federal government than into anything else.

One thing this nanny is not into is babies. She doesn’t like them or understand them. For instance, she told Klara to grab the key chain and expected the almost-4-month-old to understand and follow the verbal command. Which at this age is simply ridiculous.

The baby clearly didn’t get a positive vibe from her either. Now that the nanny left, the child is fussy and unhappy.