How to Retake the House?

And another dumb article in the NY TIMES: Democrats need to move to the Midwest because unless they spread out more evenly, they will never retake the Congress. 

No, it’s not about where anybody lives. It’s about needing to persuade people. And you won’t do it by being a condescending brat like the Hochschild woman or the rich kids on Ivy League campuses. 

If people are not buying into your message, there might just be something wrong with the message or with its delivery. 

9 thoughts on “How to Retake the House?

  1. Democrats aren’t going to take the House until at least 2020, and then only if they elect enough Democrats at the state level to re-gerrymander the current district lines, taking them away from the Republicans, and redrawing those borders back in their favor.

    Won’t happen, especially after the backlash they’re going to create in two weeks by electing the most unpopular Democratic candidate in the history of Presidential elections.


    1. If amnesty passes democrats will win easily in 2020. There are at a minimum 11 million illegal immigrants and many of them live in Texas and Florida. If those two states become blue I don’t see how republicans will ever win again.

      The Senate will be harder to take, but with the house and president permanently filled with democrats it’s over.

      If it is not already too late: “not only can a conservative never win the presidency ever again with 15% (and increasing) of our population being minorities (who tribalistically vote for socialism), but too high a percent of the population (including whites) are wedded to a socialist ideology to such a zealous level their emotions have totally eclipsed any intelligent thinking they’re capable off.”

      The quote is from this post by economist Aaron Clarey.


        1. From Hilary at the third debate:

          “I think we are both a nation of immigrants and we are a nation of laws and that we can act accordingly. And that’s why I’m introducing comprehensive immigration reform within the first 100 days with a path to citizenship.”

          If it is not amnesty, what is a “path to citizenship”?


          1. She will be a lame-duck President, so she will never have to chance to do that. And they could have done that for all the 11 millions in the first 2 years of the Obama regime and they didn’t.


  2. What makes you gentlemen think that Hillary will be a one-term, lame-duck President?

    I remember TIME magazine stating circa 1994 that Bill Clinton “is all but certainly a one-term President” — that was right after Newt Gingrich’s “Contract with America” victory, and before Dick Morris (at least he takes the credit) convinced Bill Clinton to reverse direction and act like like a Republican, lowering taxes, jailing felons by the hundreds, and ending welfare as we knew it.

    Circa 2010, the conventional wisdom was that Obama’s inept handing of the economy and his disgraceful withdrawal from American leadership in international affairs would doom him to any “reasonable Republican.” But somehow, Romney wasn’t “reasonable enough.”

    Assuming that Hillary wins in two weeks, she’s very likely going to be in for two terms, even without all the votes than a blanket amnesty (won’t happen in a Republican House) would bring.

    As the saying goes, “In for a dime, in for a dollar.” The wild card will be whether Hillary actually calls Putin’s hand in Syria, and then we may have a whole new ball game.

    Fasten your seat belts. It’s going to be very exciting ride.


  3. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday the choice offered to voters in the US presidential election was between “bad and worse” and that harsh exchanges in the debates pointed to a lack of morality in America, Tehran’s arch adversary.

    “America claims it has more than 200 years of democracy, and they have had 50 presidential elections, but there is no morality in that country,” Rouhani said in a speech, carried live by state television.

    “You saw the presidential debates, how they talk…, how they accuse and mock,” Rouhani told a crowd gathered at a stadium during his visit to the central city of Arak.,7340,L-4869475,00.html


    1. Hassan Rouhani has nothing but contempt for the United States under President Obama and Secretary John Kerry, and why shouldn’t he? His country has already made a totally one-sided sucker deal with the U.S., with all the concessions on the American side, and after the deal that was supposed to “encourage Iran to rejoin the community of nations,” his response has been to continuously spit on the U.S. every chance that he gets, capturing and humiliating our sailors, threatening our rights to sail international waters, violating the rules of the agreement while Kerry says those violations don’t apply, threatening to tear up the deal at his whim, and publicly continuing to call the U.S. “the Great Satan.”

      He isn’t really concerned about U.S. internal politics — the truth is, he’s laughing at how the whole world: Russia, China, the Philippines, even our most dependent ally Israel — is showing open contempt for the pathetic retreat from the world stage of the planet’s last superpower.

      Whoever is elected President in sixteen days is going to start to reverse this process, because he or she will have no choice.

      There’s a Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times.” For better or worse, that much is certain during the coming administration.


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