Teaching Poetry

Maybe I shouldn’t teach poetry. Yesterday I was teaching Ruben Dario, one of my favorite poets, and I started reading a poem aloud, and I got so emotional that my voice was breaking and I had tears in my eyes. 

Before that, we read the mystics and the Golden Age, and it was the same thing. I can teach the Romantics because there isn’t a single Spanish Romantic poet who ever made me feel anything. (As opposed to English Romantics whom I love). But St John and Quevedo make me so emotional that I start blubbering in the midst of teaching. 

5 thoughts on “Teaching Poetry

    1. It’s a made-up term from the founder of the journal. From a link to an interview on their submission page (http://sixquestionsfor.blogspot.ca/2015/11/six-questions-for-joseph-p-obrien.html):

      “SQF: What are the top three things you look for in a submission and why?

      JPO: Above all, the right tone: a tone which I describe as ‘flappy.’ (Sometimes other writers & editors at our zine use the word ‘flappy’ too, though I suspect many of them may just be humoring me.) ‘Flappy’ essentially means ‘surreal, shadowy, sensual, satirical.'”


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