It’s Not All on Trump

Let’s not blame only on Trump the existence of a worldview where a fellow born in Indiana is not treated like all the rest of folks born in Indiana because his parents were Mexican. Let’s not attribute to Trump the idea that having a Mexican relative somewhere in your genealogy makes you prone to experiencing a mental collapse whenever Mexico is mentioned.

It was not Trump who inspired a crowd of overfed brats to wail about the horrible damage the Clinton campaign’s use of the word abuela caused to the very special psyches they inherited from their Mexican great-grandparents. It wasn’t Trump who came up with the idea that a third cousin twice removed with a vaguely Hispanic last name entitles one to bully and persecute a colleague for referring to soccer as football.

All Trump did was take the “identity above all” philosophy to its logical conclusion. If having a Mexican (Salvadoran, Moroccan, Estonian, etc) grandma makes you uniquely sensitive to the word Mexico (Salvador,  etc), then maybe you can’t be a judge. Maybe you should nurse the psychic wounds caused by the presence of a debilitating Mexicanness in your family tree somewhere outside the public realm.

Whenever you make the argument that your sensibilities are tragically damaged by microaggresions of all sorts because you are related to a Mexican (or because you are a woman), prepare for this argument to be used against you.

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