
Since members of the British Parliament have complained about receiving several fundraising emails from Donald Trump, politicians in several other foreign countries have revealed that they’ve also been flooded with email requests for donations from Trump.

Forget the British Parliament, Australia and Iceland. What I need to know is: has Putin donated? Because money he doesn’t lack, and an opportunity to humiliate a potential US president in this way is something he’d pay very dearly for.

And hey, wasn’t one of Trump’s selling points as a candidate that he was rich and didn’t need to beg anybody for money and be in anybody’s pocket? Why is the whole country being humiliated like this while he trawls the world, begging for pennies and putting us in danger of losing power and prestige on the international arena?

5 thoughts on “Humiliation

  1. He’s hungry, Donald will do what donald will do, imagine what he’d do if he ever got the job, wait, what, i didn’t mean it, well, your supposed to know sir, your the ?, i thought it came with benefits screams donald, when told he was fired by the electorate, maybe the british decision on a brexit and associating themselves with the extreme right is a warning in time for the U.S. voter

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  2. Donald Trump is a man whose stated raison d’être is “I am richer than everyone else and this makes me right.” From the minute he was born, he has never had to follow normal rules on socialization or empathy because his father’s money and attitudes obviated situations which would have derailed the lives of people less rich.

    Like many men that rich he has absolutely no idea that he pay for anything out of his own pocket if he can help it. He has no experience asking for favors or money from people who are equals or superiors. He has no conception that now that he demonstrates he has no money in his campaign and wants other people to pay for it it would come back to bite him in the ass, especially since he has not treated people with less money with any respect. The only person he possibly had to take seriously while he was alive was his father and his father is long dead.


    1. This campaign is such a joke, such an embarrassment. How did it even come to this, God. I never believed a time would come when Dubya would look like a legitimate candidate compared to the current one. Every campaign I think, OK, Republicans have hit rock bottom, it can’t get any worse, and every time I’m wrong.


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