Vacation Time

The only people I know who won’t be traveling in July are two very heavily pregnant women and their husbands. Everybody else is off to a vacation destination.

It’s only when you hear about everybody’s travel plans that you realize that it is really over. The collective insanity of our times is done and over.

8 thoughts on “Vacation Time

      1. We noticed this when we traveled for Thanksgiving. Not only was the lobby coffee machine gone, single-use coffee packets disappeared from the rooms. I have not been able to figure out how drinking coffee alone in your room.spreads COVID. Especially since the hot tub was opened and routinely contained people from 5-6 different states.

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        1. What’s discouraging about it is that I pulled that out of my email two days ago. COVID is not a thing anymore. It is hard to even pretend it is, with a straight face. But they’re not going to reinstate the coffee…


          1. Just to update that: now that our trip is over, I don’t blame the motel: they were dreadfully understaffed, just like every other service-based business in the area (the fast food places in the same area are mostly drive-thru only because they can’t get enough staff: every single one of them has a “now hiring” sign out).


  1. “The collective insanity of our times is done and over”

    Not everywhere unfortunately, I just read an article about a woman returning to Poland after 16 years in Peru. She describes a country being destroyed by nonsensical restrictions and whole sectors of the economy lying in ruins with no real end in sight…


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