20 thoughts on “Egg Styles

  1. My favorites are sunny side up (served on bread with mayonaise and plenty of salt and pepper)

    Second favorite is scrambled (but usually with a little milk and flour and/or cheese) scrambled eggs with nothing added is… okay…. I guess…

    Third favorite would be soft boiled (but with mayonaise and horseradish mixed in with the runny yolk).

    I sometimes poach eggs in thick soup.


  2. Omelet or scrambled. In both cases because there are endless variations depending on what additional ingredients you add.


  3. They’re all good, but my fave is probably sunny side up (what is fried above). I love to dip bread into the runny yolk. Next poached or soft-boiled (yep, I love runny/soft yolk). Then scrambled. Anything with a differentiated but hard yolk is last.


    1. The next Egg Board commercial tagline:


    1. “deviled”

      I lurve deviled eggs but am too lazy to make them so I just drop some paprika powder on half hard boiled eggs smear some mustard and let my mouth mix them (that sounds gross, sorry)

      I’ve never learned out to flip eggs without breaking the yolk which is why I do sunny side up (and cut all around the white and have the runny yolk all at once…


  4. I used to prefer over easy and then became a fan of a sunny-side up egg with a very crispy bottom that remind me of pork skinThen I spread the yolk all over the egg to make a sauce.

    I used to hate hard-boiled eggs but then when I started dating my husband and met his family (he’s Peruvian) I learned not liking hard-boiled eggs is just not possible with him. They sure do like their double carbs + hard boiled eggs.


    1. The eggs do make a neat-looking garnish, though. We made papas huancainas last night… and somehow it doesn’t look quite right without the totally arbitrary-seeming slice of boiled egg, one olive, and a lettuce leaf. (shrugs)


      1. “huancaina”

        Which one… I’ve had two versions, both incredibly delicious…

        Version made by someone from the central Peruvian Andes used sliced potatoes, a sauce made with (smuggled) llama cheese and aji…

        The second was made by someone from extreme Northern Chile (part that used to be Bolivia) with peanut paste with black olives as a garnicsh (amazing but sooooo heavy).


        1. It’s made with aji, onion, a little oil, garlic, cumin, and evaporated milk. It’s generally thickened with crushed soda crackers, but we didn’t have any, so we tried cornstarch. Worked well enough as a thickener, but gave it a kind of funky chinese-takeout aftertaste. Okay overall, but also our first stab at that particular dish, so… next time we’ll use a different thickener and maybe try for the traditional garnishes. Give us another half-dozen tries with various recetas and perhaps we’ll have it done properly 🙂 But we can’t do the peanut version because husband is allergic, alas.


          1. My mother-in-law uses queso fresco or feta. I’ve tried and never successfully made the huancaina sauce, and have since given up and leave it to the rest of the family. I’ve never heard of this smuggled llama cheese…I’m also intrigued!


            1. Haha! So… not until we can figure out how to make the trip again ourselves, I’m afraid. Or we get llamas…

              I have a nice elderly friend who, after a trip back home, often finds herself in possession of a whole suitcase-load of pungent dried fish. Perhaps she and your friend went to the same school of luggage-packing…


              1. “a whole suitcase-load of pungent dried fish”

                Some years ago I was to meet an Asian lecturer arriving in Poland and get him through the local bureaucracy and settled in to university housing. He had brought some very weird food. There was dried meat (beef or pork or maybewater buffalo?) that had a consistency similar to cotton candy and a weird fermented fish paste like substance which smelled…. really odd (like from another planet) but which tasted pretty good. He was impressed that I not only ate some but seemed to like it.

                The first time I had fish sauce (visiting a Vietnamese colleague) I came close to throwing up (too much too quickly). Now I love it, but that first taste…. an experience.


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